The Royal Paintbox’s Paintbox

Queen Victoria's Paintbox

Queen Victoria’s Paintbox

Last night was a surprise.  PBS aired a film by Margy Kinmonth entitled The Royal Paintbox. Prince Charles narrated much of it, and while I saw little in the way of his watercolors that impressed me, what was intriguing was his passion for art.  There is a long line of artists in his family tree, and the program was more of an overview; nothing in-depth like the Whistler program that preceded it.

What really caught my attention was Queen Elizabeth’s watercolor box. Tubular and full of small compartments, I will watch this program again just to see the Prince open it.  I am curious about how it actually works and think I might pay anything to have one like it.

In the meantime, if you are interested in royal art, this program will whet your appetite for more, and the Internet is a good source.  Cheery-Bye!

About Patsye

I am an older woman and artist. I love to craft. I love to sew and knit and crochet and needlepoint. I love to paint and draw and make art with my hands. Being creative is what gets me up in the morning. Art is my tea, my fresh air, my good book, and my cats all rolled into one. I have much to share and hope you'll visit often.
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4 Responses to The Royal Paintbox’s Paintbox

  1. whimseytopia says:

    So do I. Watch the program Katharine. It had many scenes of the countryside near their many homes. Lots of fog and changing seasons. It was lovely, and informative. But when he got to Queen Victoria, and how she was always painting her children, but then her husband died and her paintings turned darker – it was all so sad. But that paintbox! When he opened it my eyes became teacups and I later searched the Internet hoping there might be something like it. Alas, there isn’t.

    Think of you often. Hope you are well. Patsye

  2. Katharine says:

    I want to make such a watercolor box!

    • maureenc says:

      Your posting on “the royal paintbox” reminded me of a recent blogging by an online friend, Franki Kohler and I thought that you and your followers may be interested:

      Christmas in August!

      • whimseytopia says:

        I read this blog and went straight to Dick Blick only to find that they are out of stock for this item, but it’s still beautiful. I am serious when I say that I’m going to investigate to see if I can find a metalsmith to make me one like Queen Victoria’s. That program got me looking at what’s available in the way of antique paintboxes. They are frightfully expensive but so lovely and with such beautiful patinas. I was in the garden all day again, but will get back to my paints tomorrow. Thanks for sending this. Patsye

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